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Querying Source Analysis Rules In Blackbaud CRM™

Last month we discussed how to utilize Source Analysis Rules in Blackbaud CRM™. In this post, we will dive into the queries used in doing further analysis of these results.

There are two ways you can analyze the data that was captured at the time of activation of a Marketing Effort. Getting to the source analysis data can be tricky if you don't know where to look.

First, you can create a query that pulls donors that received the particular mailing and see what their Source analysis results were at that point of time.

For this query, use Marketing Effort source view. You want to pull records where marketing effort name is equal to "xyz". In the output include Name, Mail Date, and all the source analysis fields.

Secondly, create a query that pulls donors that responded to the particular mailing to see what its SAR results are. For this query use the Revenue Marketing source view. You want to pull records where marketing effort name is equal to the mailing you wish to analyze and in the output include Name, Lookup ID, Revenue ID, Amount, Date, Source Code, Marketing Effort Name and all the source analysis fields. Under the Marketing Information node, you will find Source Analysis. This is where you can pull over all the Source Analysis fields you want to use in your analysis.

Once you have identified how to pull your SAR results, you can use the data to produce dashboards, reports and other information your fundraisers will find extremely valuable. If you'd like to learn more about SAR, please feel free to contact BrightVine.

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