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At BrightVine, we cater to the specific requirements of the nonprofit sector, including human services, higher education, arts and cultural organizations, advocacy groups, faith-based organizations, and NGOs. Whether you need to choose new software, create custom solutions, implement software, or develop technology roadmaps, our team is dedicated to providing the support you need.

Strategic Services

BrightVine Strategic Services provides services to help nonprofit organizations achieve their strategic objectives. These services help organizations address various challenges, including fundraising and program development.

BrightVine Strategic Services provides:

  1. Strategic Planning: BrightVine can work with your nonprofit to develop and implement strategic plans that align with your mission, vision, and goals. This can include identifying growth areas, establishing performance metrics, and developing action plans.

  2. Fundraising Strategy: BrightVine can help nonprofits develop effective fundraising strategies that maximize donor engagement and revenue generation. 

  3. Program Development: BrightVine can work with nonprofits to develop and implement new programs that align with their mission and meet the needs of their constituents.

  4. Change Management: BrightVine can support change management initiatives, helping nonprofits navigate complex organizational changes and ensure they are successfully implemented.

Our Strategic Services provides various strategic consulting services to help nonprofits achieve their goals and drive meaningful impact. These services are delivered by experienced consultants who deeply understand the nonprofit sector and can help organizations navigate the challenges they face.


Technology Services

BrightVine offers a variety of customizations and integration services, including application architecture design, performance testing and tuning of Blackbaud CRM™, data mapping and transformation (data hygiene), system and data automation, test planning and execution, and process optimization.

BrightVine provides consulting services such as business process engineering, best practices consulting, business requirements analysis, software design and configuration, and custom training and training guides.

We specialize in reporting and BI solutions, including business intelligence and architecture design and custom report creation using tools such as SSRS and Tableau.  We also have a small team of Power BI report writers. 

We offer a comprehensive range of services to support nonprofits in their efforts to optimize and customize their systems, enhance their business processes, and create effective reporting and BI solutions.  These include but are not limited to: 


Blackbaud CRM

  • Customizations & Integrations

    • Applications Architecture Design

    • Blackbaud CRM™ performance testing, analysis, and tuning

    • Data Mapping and data transformation (data hygiene) 

    • System and Data Automation 

    • Test Planning and Execution 

    • Process Optimization

  • Consulting Services

    • Business Process Engineering

    • Best Practices Consulting

    • Business Requirements Analysis

    • Software Design and Configuration

    • Custom training and custom training guides

  • Reporting and BI Solutions

    • Business Intelligence and Architecture design

    • Custom Reports (SSRS, Tableau, Power BI)

    • Data Warehouse extension

    • Custom data warehouse solutions

The Raiser's Edge and RE NXT

  • Consulting 

    • RE/RENXT Audits 

    • Implementation Support 

    • Upgrades and Migration Planning

    • Business Process Design or Redesign

    • Database Setup/ Configuration 

    • RE / RE NXT Training 

    • Go Live Assistance 

    • Custom Policy and Procedures manuals 

ALTRU and other products 

  • Consulting 

    • Altru Audits 

    • Implementation Support 

    • Migration Planning

    • Business Process Design or Redesign

    • Database Setup/ Configuration 

    • Training 

    • Go Live Assistance 

    • Custom Policy and Procedures manuals 

Engaging Networks

  • Consulting 

    • Implementation

    • Strategy 

    • Design and Development

    • Account Management 

    • Integration 

    • Managed Services 


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BrightVine Solutions, Inc. (BrightVine) is a member of the Blackbaud partner network. BLACKBAUD®, THE RAISER'S EDGE®, BLACKBAUDINTERNETSOLUTIONS®, BLACKBAUD CRM®, and RAISER'S EDGE® are registered trademarks of Blackbaud.  BRIGHTVINE, the BRIGHTVINE® LOGO, BRIGHTVINE DATA LINK and DELIVERING EXCELLENCE FOR GOOD® SHATTERING NONPROFIT TECHNOLOGY NORMS are registered trademarks of BrightVine Solutions.

All other third-party trademarks mentioned on this website are the property of their respective owners. 

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